
15 September

Self Care for Self-Love a RozBodyFit Meditation

Wine Garden

"Self Care for Self-Love" is our monthly mid-month RozBodyFit led Meditation. We invite you to join us as we deep dive into our reflections and courageously embrace what we are and who we have become in the midst of our beautiful journey. Beyond self-acceptance, we practice compassion and tenderness for our souls. Please rsvp with the link below.

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17 September

Be The Game Changer Series (RozBodyFit Dream Board)

Co-Working Lounge

RozBodyFit brings our Tuscan Highlands community a night to dream and envision. Join us at our “Dream Board” event; The Game Changer Series, one of our favorite events for over a decade. This is a 3 part series project event where members of the community gather together as we collect, cut out, and piece together a collage of pictures, words, and affirmations. Utilizing this collage to visualize our desires, creating a vision board to look at, to inspire, motivate as well as help remind us of our goals, and at its core, our values.

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